From Neverland to Atlantis: Jacko’s Meltdown
Saturday, 10 December 2005
“Meltdown” is still hot after all these years!
Pop icon Michael Jackson leads us to another in our continuing citation of atomic-age metaphors. Neither the originator nor the deliverer, Jacko was the poor target of this disastrous metaphor.
In an article in the New York Daily News, December 8th, 2005, an unnamed source is quoted as saying:
“It’s a meltdown – Michael’s life is on the line, physically, and his finances are in ruins because he has listened to the wrong people…”
This sprightly young metaphor really got its first big break from the Three Mile Island disaster in 1979, as foretold in the movie The China Syndrome, released weeks prior to the catastrophe.

Maybe Jacko hopes that the meltdown of his life in Neverland will follow the course of the China Syndrome, melting clear through the Earth and reappearing on the other side. The coordinates of the Neverland Ranch are approximately:
34.44 North
120.03 West
The corresponding spot on the other side of the world is in an underwater earthquake zone, deep in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. Seismic records show that only days before Jackson’s meltdown, this geological hotspot quivered with antici…..pation for the possible arrival of the star and his assets. Said one apocryphal seismologist, “If Neverland becomes the new Atlantis, it’ll be Jacko’s own fault.”
No. 1 — December 15th, 2005 at 11:04 pm
Just wanted to thank your thoughtful reply to my email. I had asked your opinion about a title for a short piece of fiction. I decided, per your advice, to keep the original that I had suggested. Many thanks,